Wednesday 2 May 2012

A month of blog prompts from DoCrafts for Creativity members ...

Never under estimate DoCrafts, I did for a long time by wrongly thinking they were a bit of a 'one trick pony' but how wrong could I be. Recently I joined the Creativity Club because I could see that DoCrafts was emerging & moving forward. Anyway, Emma who is the Creativity Club manager has set up a whole month of 'blog prompts' that will run for the entire month of May. I am running a day late (nothing new there lol) in starting, so will need to post 2 today, the 1st prompt is
"5 Reasons why should you craft?"
These are the reasons that I love to craft
(1) I use it as a therapy because I suffer with daily pain & fatique, it helps to occupy my mind, this in turn takes the focus away from what is going on in my body!
(2) I love to blog & write about what I have made. Why? because it's like having a portfolio of my makes & I also get a buzz when someone comments. I don't expect all glory, I do take constructive critism as long as it is done for the right reasons & not just to be nasty!
(3) Crafting & sharing online reaches out to people, I have made so many lovely people through my crafting by blogging, forums, groups etc. Some of these people I have gone on to meet up with in real life, by joining craft clubs while others I stay in contact with regularly online!
(4) I am by default quite a shy person, not always able to express myself eloquently. However, through crafting & showing what I create, those barriers break down. My style says a lot about who I am, people talk to me & visa versa about my ideas, how I used a certain product etc.
It has given me a new found confidence. So much so, that I now own & run 3 online & successful craft groups!
(5) I simply enjoy what I do, I don't always like the end product, but I always enjoy making it.
 For me that is what crafting is all about, enjoying what you do, it doesn't matter if your not particularly talented true crafters don't judge, they just encourage!

Thanks for reading my blog :)
~*~ Jane ~*~

1 comment:

Katy said...

Great post, great to hear the reasons other people craft!