I have been challenged by Jules to a photo challenge and this is what I have to do:
1) Go to the 6th photo folder saved on my PC (or not if you file them in a different way)
2) Choose the 6th photo stored and upload to to your blog
3) Write something about the picture.
4) Then challenge 6 new people to join this challenge....
Anyways, it just so happens, that I have been busy recently scanning in loads & loads of vintage family photos, in preparation to having them printed off to use in my scrapbooks!
My photo of my dearest grandfather Charlie Cook, when he was a younger man, funny, I never knew my grandad with hair or a moustache, so it was quite a surprise to find this photo. He resembles one of my uncles in this snap! I loved my grandad, but I knew him with glasses and white hair, always in a crew cut style. I remember I used to love to sit on his knee and rub his head, because his hair kind of prickled and tickled my hand LOL ....
He was one of the founder members of the Chippenham Wheelers in Wiltshire, along with my grandmother and 2 mutual friends I believe. They used to cycle all over the country and my grandad could still be seen out cycling approaching his 90th birthday, when he finally took heed and conceeded that he really wasn't safe anymore.
Sadly, he is no longer with us, but I have no doubt that he is sat, watching his family in a celestial armchair somewhere in a better place, with his 'Sweetheart' my grandma, by his side!
So without further ado, I am passing this challenge on to
Come girls play along, and let me know if you do so that I can come and see your photos ;)
What a lovely photo and a lovely story too
Thanks for playing along Jane xx
you have some lovely memories from just one photo....thank heavens for camera's.
lovely story.
chriss x
What a fascinating story. There's something for you on my blog if you would like to pop over. Carolyn xx
Hiya Jane
Aww what a wonderful photo - such great memories of your grandad too!
Did you get my post?
Oh Jane what fabulous memories of a lovely man you have to treasure.
That is a great photo, loved reading about it too!
You're so kind to choose me to continue the 'sixes challenge' but you were just a wee bitty too late 'cos I posted my photo the other day.
LOL Doh, I will go find another victim Max, thanks for letting me know
Such a lovely photo of your grandfather
Sarah x
Oh I love seeing old photo's and hearing the stories behind them. Thanks for choosing me to take part Jane, I was very touched you thought of me but someone got in their before you a couple of days ago lol, I was dreading to see what photo was in number 6 but was relieved it was two of my kids at the fair. Donna x
Ahhh Donna thanks for being kind enough to let you know!
Awww i do love to come and read these tag photo stories they are really nice arnt they ? Thanks Jane for thinking of me too :)
Hugs June xxx
fantastic photo!!
great story with it too!
love tina x
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