.....Susie Blackwell! http://whiteribboncards.blogspot.com/
Here are the rules:-
You must post the rules before you give your answers.You must list one fact about yourself for each letter of your middle name. Each fact must begin with that letter. If you don't have a middle name, just use your maiden name. After you've been tagged, you need to up-date your blog with your middle name and answers. At the end of your post, you need to tag one person for each letter of your middle name. (Be sure to leave them a comment telling them they've been tagged, and need to read your blog for details)
Well, my middle name is Elizabeth.
Laid Back!
Zone Seeking!
Absent minded...........I'm all ways forgetting things!
Easy Going!
I'm going to Tag
TinaSue at http://scrappinginthecupboard.blogspot.com/
Sally at http://www.auntys.blogspot.com/
Lesley at http://onestopscrappingontherun.blogspot.com/
Theresa at http://misshoneydownunder.blogspot.com/
Shellie at http://shellie-in-stitches.blogspot.com/
Emma at http://little-crafty-me.blogspot.com/
Diane at http://coupdemaincrafts.blogspot.com/
Jo at http://siggi-shop.blogspot.com/
Storm at http://simplystorm.blogspot.com/
Come on folks it's your turn now!
Oh Jane - you rotter!!!
It's going to be a real toughie for me. Why? Because my middle name is ALSO Elizabeth! What a challenge - and also because the sheer number of people I need to tag - you've tagged most of them for me already....
I am sooooo glad my middle name is Ann LOL
What a fun thing! lol Never been tagged ;-)
mmmmmmm this is the first time I have been tagged. i will play but i will have to do it later. in a rush now. be back later today
forgot to mention, my middle name is also ann so this should be easy
(he he he)
Hiya Jane!
I don't have a middle name and don't like to post my full name on the web (even my maiden name) so i'm sorry to be a spoilsport hunni xx
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